Creating a fully-fledged Seminar Management portal in just 5 days.
Mar 11, 2013
With the changes in legislation coming into effect, the government agency needed to host information sessions a number of times, over 2 days, to outline these changes to the business operators and their staff. Approximately 500 business operators and their additional guests were expected to attend each session.
From the conference organizers’ perspectives, it was difficult to manually process hundreds of registrations.
The system they were using was pretty basic. There was a lot of upfront time that needed to be invested to process the registrations and information.
It was also important to begin organizing data so it was easily accessible in one location, instead of trying to track down information in files. Follow up surveys gauging attendee satisfaction after the seminar was also a feature that was always hoped for.
The government agency was already using FifthOcean Technologies TransForm Engine product to handle all online licensing business processes. The same technology was used to create an Industry Seminary solution which debuted in time for the first conference in October 2011. Further enhancement to the feature set was added in February 2012, when additional meetings required the applicants to choose between a number of meeting locations and times.
This fast-to-assemble Seminar Registration Portal has provided comprehensive and customised functionality while offering some key benefits, including:
In the first year of using online registration, approximately 99% of the 800+ attendees registered online! The high percentage was proof to the government agency that people preferred the instantaneous, convenient nature of online registration. Attendees appreciated that they could update or change information. The follow up survey was actioned quickly and efficiently using the stored attendee information.